This is a list of topics to read after you finish this blog. Some resources to explore these are given in the
first post (Why you should learn music theory).
Melodic Minor/Jazz Minor:
- What is melodic minor? What is jazz minor?
- What are some popular songs in melodic minor?
- Modes of melodic minor
- Triads in melodic minor
- 7th chords in melodic minor
Harmonic Minor:
- What is harmonic minor?
- What are some popular songs in harmonic minor?
- Modes of harmonic minor
- Triads in harmonic minor
- 7th chords in harmonic minor
Harmonic Major:
- What is harmonic major?
- What are some popular songs in harmonic major?
- Modes of harmonic major
- Triads in harmonic major
- 7th chords in harmonic major
Dominant Function:
- ii V7 I
- Secondary dominants
- Substitute dominants
- What notes can I play over secondary dominants?
- How are lydian b7 and substitute dominants related?
- What are some popular songs that use secondary dominants?
Reading Music:
- In treble cleff
- In bass cleff
- Rhythmic notation
- Notating odd meters
- Invisible barline
- What’s the difference between sight reading and regular reading?
- Why is reading music important?
- How do you practice reading?
Ear Training:
- Identifying intervals by ear
- Identifying triads by ear
- Identifying 7th chords by ear
- Identifying tensions by ear
- Constant structure
- Modulations
- Modal interchange